Review - Archangel's Viper by Nalini Singh

Enter New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s breathtakingly passionate Guild Hunter world with the story of a woman who isn’t a vampire or an angel…or human…
Once a broken girl known as Sorrow, Holly Chang now prowls the shadowy gray underground of the city for the angels. But it’s not her winged allies who make her a wanted woman—it’s the unknown power coursing through her veins. Brutalized by an insane archangel, she was left with the bloodlust of a vampire, the ability to mesmerize her prey, and a poisonous bite.
Now, someone has put a bounty on her head…
Venom is one of the Seven, Archangel Raphael’s private guard, and he’s as infuriating as he is seductive. A centuries-old vampire, his fangs dispense a poison deadlier than Holly’s. But even if Venom can protect Holly from those hunting her, he might not be able to save himself—because the strange, violent power inside Holly is awakening…
No one is safe.
Unfortunately, I didn't have as much time for writing reviews as I'd have liked in the last space of time, not by a long chalk, but I hope and plan that will change soon. In the interim, I'm back with another Nalini Singh review.
Though I have probably said it already, I'd like to start with pointing out again that it is not by chance that I return with a Nalini book. Because she is just the favorite for me, emphasis on the the. So I might be a little biased, but I can't help it, I just love as good as every story that comes from her hands. Archangel's Viper is not an exception.
We met both the herione and the hero of the book early in the series, and their names and scenes popped up quite a lot of times. Not just in the other books, but among us fans as well, on Nalini's public sites. Either way, many of us suspected and simply felt there was something between Venom and Holly - Sorrow for a time. I know there were some readers who didn't like the idea, but as for me, I couriously and impatiently waited for that something to unfold.
Well, it has. 
As I'd like to keep this as spoiler-free as possible, I would not go into the details of the plot very much, just say that I liked the storyline - it was kind of dual, with the bounty on Holly's head and also the changes in her, but still one complete. Though in the second half of the book, it was rather Holly's changing powers that got in the forefront, I think it was rational and connected to the events from before. The only thing I can say as negative is that some scenes felt a little too dragged out, prolongated.
As for the relationship between the main couple, it pretty much picked up where we left it, the 'only' difference is it is with Holly, not Sorrow - and she is sensibly stronger in a mental and physical sense, too. And the outcome is such a fun and fascinating banter and teasing that I have never wanted to stop... 
"The real Holly Chang was a complex and intense creature, sometimes bitter, simetimes sweet, and always dangerous.  'Does it hurt to bite your tongue do hard?' he asked with faux concern.   Holly didn't miss a beat. 'I'm in a car with you - I clearly have a high pain treshold.'(...)" it is good that it continues, even after they admit to have feelings for each other. Though I know some readers have found the romance lacking or even sudden after all this bantering, but I think that Venom and Holly's story was rather about finding the subtle clues in their attitude and changes in their emotions. Because clues were there from the start - for example how Venom remembered what Holly liked to eat and drink, and how Holly always wanted that 'stupid sunglasses' off. These little signs get more frequent and direct through the book. So when they do surrender to their feelings, it is obvious that they are a match and they only will be stronger and more complete together. 
"Holly Chang. Sorrow. Kitty. Hollyberry.  No matter what he called her, she was the most dangerous adversary he'd ever faced.  Because once that switch flipped on, he knew it would never, ever turn off."
And we shouldn't forget that even in our mere mortal lives every relationship is different, from the start, the courtship until the end.  When we talk about centuries or even milennia of living, it is not so surprising to read totally diverse stories. If everyone would be the same with the same past and personality, maybe they would live and love the same way. But it wouldn't be so interesting, and the Seven wouldn't be the Seven, for example.

What I really love in Nalini Singh's book about the romance is she always founds out what is the right love confession for every couple. I think what Venom says to Holly at the end and vice versa is just simply perfect for them. (I let everybody find it for their own, it is a little spoilery.)
All in all, I think Holly has become one of my favorite heroines of all time. She not only developed since we have last seen her, but also throughout the book. She is a very stong-willed and self-conscious person. And while from the subscription it seems like Venom is backstaged in the book, he is very much present, and helps her through the strenghtening - while changing himself. I'm glad that we see under the cool and collected facade, we learn the why of it, and get to know the truth of him.

I always love seeing the other characters in some scenes, it resulted in some of the best ones for me in this book, too. For example the car race between a viper green Bugatti and a certain Ferrari. This way we can keep track of them and get to know new things, which probably does not seem very important at the time, but it gives credit to the world of changing powers - like Ashwini's sparring technique. And it is really nice to see the members of the Seven interact, to see the exact relations between them, because it is not always the same. I find Dmitri's fatherly role with not one, but two characters now, intriguing - and also right for him. This way, we are able to glimpse him softening not just with his wife, before he goes right to being the 'Dark Overlord' - in one book again. What I miss in this regard is maybe more interaction between the women.
As for the twist and turns, it very well written again. As we advance in the series, we see such things that shows us we have not seen everything in this world, not by a long chance. I mean for example some beings that we wouldn't have thought to be able to exist when we read the first book. But it somehow makes sense for me, that when there are only three separate species in theory, when someone gets bored - or mad - during his or her thousands of years, some experiments are successful. 
Or when you are an insane archangel that everyone thinks dead, you want to come back in the grossest way possible. And I'm not talking about everyone's hated villain, Lijuan.

And what I'd like to highlight some more again, is the descriptions of people, places anf feelings. I think Singh really hits the mark when it gets to being able to invest oneself in a book, and imagine everything that is written. Not only the appearances of the caharcters are vivid and unique, the buildings and locales are very detailed and various. (I was happy to see my home country, Hungary!)
But what is the most wonderful for me is the sensations and emotions. They are so right in their moments, you can't help but sympathize with the characters. For example when Holly's talking with the Legion, you just feel the need with her to strangle them after a time, besides wondering about them. This is  only a small case, but you feel the bigger, more stressed ones as well, like Venom's fear for her.
To make this long story short, in my opinion this book was a great addition to the others in the series. It is a unique story of two equally, if not more so, unique souls finding each other, and becoming the perfect mate for the one who is similar but not the same. But even this similarity is rare in this world Nalini Singh has created.
In my opinion it was perfect for them, a 5 star read, and I hope we'll see Viper  Face and his unicorn kitty in the coming books. 
And I  can't wait for what is next in this intriguing and ever-changing series.

Copy generously provided by the publisher through NetGalley.


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