Review - Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh

Let’s start with saying I’m always critical about the friends-to-lovers scheme, because I find it very easy to mess up or make it unrealistic. But in this case, it actually works, very much.  Part of that is that I don’t really think about Noah and Kit’s relationship this way, because even when they thought of themselves as friends, we knew that it is more, much more, and the heroine herself expressed how it can’t be like that for a long time: it is just too painful, too intense, and the craving never stops.
The other part is, of course, the author. Nalini Singh’s writing style making this story unique, too.
Having said that, I also have to say that I found the beginning a little bit slow. I get that there’s no fast way to this, I even agree with it, but from the blurb, I just thought that the media mess would come sooner int he book.
But, as I mentioned, it is very understandable – after such a brutal turn of events like what Noah did, there had to be a slow building of a relationship, a slow heart-opening, with more and more smile, more and more trust. But after a little time, this book really became a could-not-put-it-down, especially after the media error happens – or let’s say, after the NoKats take over the Internet.

If he’s caught with a groupie, you go from being one half of Hollywood’s hottest couple to a women scorned.”
I really liked how in this story, it has never been forgotten that both members of the main couple actually are famous people in L.A., and that being famous can be a problem, this lifestyle has disadvantages and difficulties. From the relatively small issues like what to eat to the ones like being ’hot property’ only if you hook up with another big shot.
The outcome of this is that Kit is now one of my favorite heroines of all time.  She’s such a strong character, and her struggles with both being an actress and loving Noah were so well written that I could’t help really loving her. A woman who won’t give up and has the courage to forgive, but who also won’t take any crap from anyone. If she was real, she would be the best role model I think. And her personality is what makes her perfect for Noah as well.

„Kit didn’t think she was a magician, didn’t believe she could heal him, but she could love him.”
As for Noah St. John… I think he started from a very low ’ranking’, a lot of readers disliked him for what he has done to Kit, but as we could see into his head, his emotions, it became obvious that he really wanted th ebest for Kit, to protect her. I even liked that his problem, his broken soul didn’t mend in just a second, the end of the book is only the start of that journey.
The result of all this fight for love is a very angsty story. I think that from book to book in this series, there seem to be more and more emotion and less and less sexual content. But we can’t say that what we see in hte end from Noah and Kit isn’t page-burning… (Even if their very first kiss is making us wait, too.) They are Hollywood’s hottest couple, after all.

There was just the sweet, pure beauty of music in every cell of his body, making him pure too.”
Because this series is about a close group, there aren’t very many characters. And that gives the opportunity for the other couples to have cute moments, or them to interact with each other. I like the moments of female and male bonding. So if I had to choose, one of my favorite scenes with secondary characters would be when the three girls have coffee and share gossip.

„Damn it, I’m supposed to stop with my celebrity-gossip addiction.”
„It's not gossip.” Thea patted her sister’s hand. „It’s intel.…"
The only blooper that got my eye was that some phrases, expressions occurred a little bit often. In this, I think for example about Noah’s dark grey eyes and Molly’s kind personality.
There are scenes that I’d have like to read, for example Kit meeting with Emily, or Noah telling the others about his plane driving. And, what I’d really like to read, is much more smiley ’romantic bullshit’ with this couple. At the end of the book, their happiness is almost palpable, I couldn’t stop smiling myself. (Fortunately, Nalini was kind enough to gift the readers in her latest newsletter in this regard, but still – more and more and more NoKat sweetness wanted.)
So, it is another great contemporary romance, which will make you cry and also laugh, with a main couple who are perfect for each other, even if the road to that is rocky and painful. So let’s bring the next, Nalini! After the happennings of this book, I’m curious about Sarah and Abe!


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